
I am slowly unshackling myself from the self-imposed social norms (no cell phone till I finish my morning work out). Today I added another item to my "bucket list" of breaking social norms. Yes I do have one with few things ticked off and many yet to achieve.

Post my energising yoga session this morning, I turned on my phone. There was a lovely post written by my older sibling and it made a great start to my day apart from making its way to the fore-mentioned list.

So much so, that I felt its worth sharing her view point with the world. So here it is printed below, without her permission if I may add . But unlike the article below, I'm hoping she will conform to what family expectations are of an older sibling and forgive her younger sister's transgressions :p


Transitioning from coloured hair to your real hair colour after 20 years: Does it liberate us or makes us age (read in other people's mind)?

 At the end of 2019 I had my epiphany; I just decided to give up colouring my hair. I was so fed up of using chemicals to touch up the roots each time there was a social event on my calendar. Over a period of time, the more I coloured, the frequency of "touch-ups" just kept increasing. I just wanted to be free of this vicious circle.

The new mantra of going au naturel captured my interest. Around the same time, the media was full of pics of various celebrities going grey. It was a signal from the heavens above. It egged me on. I was happy about my decision.

But nothing had prepared me for the myriad reactions I was going to get from the people around me. Nobody could believe that it was out of choice and I was happy about it. Leave alone a few, it was mostly negative and critical. The women still happy with their blonde streaks (each to her own) couldn’t understand this new fad; they looked at me with pitying eyes. I could literally read their thoughts, "OMG!! Now with two daughters in law and grandchildren in the house, this poor overworked housewife/grandmom doesn't get time to look after herself.” The male friends were equally confused: why would any woman not do her best to look attractive to the opposite sex?

Do we have to fit into what others feel is the right mould to look attractive? Why do I have to conform to the norm that colouring my hair would make me feel young, hence attractive? I feel confident that my grey hair gives me special beauty powers and I am glad that I don't look like everyone else around me. I stand tall with my grey hair and have no qualms about accepting my age with grace and gratitude.

Fine lines, wrinkles and grey hair are a sign of a well lived life rich with experiences; its empowering. If these life journeys have given you a sense of contentment and happiness, why not flaunt the real you? Embrace every facet of yourself. Let's age gracefully and let the silver shine through...


Her inner beauty is sparkling through in the writeup. Ageing gracefully is the real mantra of womanhood.She is true to herself.

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