Aging towards Darkness or a New Dawn?
Zhou Daxin’s award winning novel, “The Sky Gets Dark, Slowly”, is described as a sensitive exploration of old age. Brief clips from the book doing the rounds on social media talk about how as we age, we are unprepared for the lonely world that lies ahead.
It warns those approaching the age of 60 of a gloomy and dim future ahead as one starts losing elderly family members, friends, spouse…and talks about how illness and one’s bed loom large as our constant companion while we are slowly reduced to a nobody. At the same time, it also asks you to live with equanimity and to cherish our present.
While I appreciate the sentiment to be prepared for the worst, life surely has a lot to offer in our twilight years. Thanks to delayed parenthood, there is a shift in our linear thinking. From young grandparents in their 40s, we are now parents of young ones in our 40’s!! With better medical facilities, longer careers, beautiful post-retirement options open to the 60+ generation, I don’t see how life is coming to an end for us as we age?
My friend started her career at 50; a cousin re-joined college at 45 to get his PG degree, another made a career change at 64 after retiring at 60. A sibling signed up for Mandarin classes at 60 and a 75 year-old uncle pitched in to help a nephew's fledging bakery business - simply because he was bored at home! Khushwant Singh was writing books in his 90’s; Nelson Mandela was elected President at 76... I can go on forever as History is witness to many such achievers.
The so-called elderly, nicknamed “The Elastic Generation” (generally between 50-70 years), are redefining perceived notions of what the elderly are expected to do or think. Leading a retired life where just attending spiritual discourses and looking after their grandchildren is out of the question.
There is a marked change in their attitude. This new outlook is as refreshing as Outbound tours for senior citizens, dating sites for the elderly and special products aimed at the menopause/ andropause generation! They are not ready to take a back seat as yet.
In fact a friend remarked recently, how she couldn't wait to hit 60 and take advantage of the "Seniors Benefits" - higher invesment returns, tax benefits, senior discounts, etcIt may be the sunset years of their life but with a promise of enough retained sunshine to dispel the darkness. And to usher in a dawn where they opt to live on their own, be financially independent, learn new skills and set the pace of their life.
As 89-year old Captain Krishnan Nair who established the first Leela
Hotel in Mumbai at the age of 65 said, “Age is a state of mind. I still feel that I am a
beginner and have yet to learn a lot.”
Let’s raise a toast to this
burgeoning generation and their beautiful attitude.
A positive vibe to an otherwise dark, depressing thought, nay slightly negative recourse!
Very uplifting I must say!!
Spot on as usual!