A devout walker, a firm yoga practitioner with total commitment to fitness since my childhood, I have been struggling to find my rhythm the last few months, since the onset of 2021 in fact.
I come from a family of heath and fitness freaks. My early
memories are of my father turning off the fan during my summer vacations at
6:00 am as that ensured I will wake up. This was followed by, “Now that you are
up, why don’t you go jogging/swimming/cycling for a while?” Over a period of
time, this pretty much became routine which is continued even today (mostly π).
I even tried taking inspiration from motivational texts like this one:
“Life is never a smooth walk. There are rough patches
and there are obstacles on the way. The hurdles in our life too have a purpose.
Don't lose hope when you see an obstacle. Don't let it break you down. Find
ways to overcome it. When you come on the other side, you will realize it has
not taken anything away from you but unleashed your stronger self.”
But the result was not what I hoped for…
For someone who's used to jumping out of bed at 5:30,
A 5:45am alarm was an surmountable problem, big and weighty.
It only marked the start of a struggle, an obstacle filled morning;
The irritatingly gentle alarm was actually a piercing
First hurdle was to find the alarm button before it wakes me
up fully!
The sub conscious says, fight sleep n wake up but the head remains woolly!
Life isn’t a smooth walk… Only the feet wake up, rest of me
is still fast asleep.
Plenty obstacles in my path - placed there by some mean, devilish
I trip over my slippers, stub my toe on the bed n walk into
the wall;
Where are my yoga pants… And the d**n yoga mat is not to be found
at all!
Yawning wide I roll out the sulky mat – like me, rudely
woken from it’s shavasan pose;
Tried to loosen the stiffened protesting limbs as I give
myself a pep-me-up dose!
It’s just not working; I realise it’s not my fault that this
effort is a total fiasco
My intentions are sincere & pure, the fault lies in my
missing exercise mojo!!
I have spent 3 mornings looking for it high and low,
Under the pillow, inside the blanket but it was a no show;
Even checked if it’s snuggled next to the hubby or in my cup
of tea,
But no matter how much I enticed it, my mojo refused to come
to me.
Enough devils fought these 3 days, the struggle has made me
stronger I can see.
Stood firm against all temptations, I didn’t let a missing
mojo break me.
I overcame it all; barely 6:00 and this hunt has me all
exercised n fatigued!
The text was right... It didn’t take away anything, in fact
has me intrigued.
How many mornings will I ruin in these wasted efforts I
I have to be much stronger and overcome this exercise
With firm resolution, I shut the alarm down every dawn
At my age, let me do what I want and not become my mojo’s
A very well written piece ... Waiting for the next one ...
Writing this article helped me to a large extent. Finally motivated myself to re start my exercise routine and also got my writing going (which was kind of dried up the last 2 months)!
So, everyday waiting patiently for the "tomorrow" did click for me :)